Last month I submitted a list of resources that we give to our clients to help start a business, expand a business, or exit a business.
The goal was to put you in touch with people who can move you forward in your business. It is essential to know that there is a resource for nearly every challenge you face as a business owner. The most important thing to remember is that you are your greatest resource, and your ability to face challenges head-on with a winner’s attitude is what will drive you to find the resources you need. My company TR Defense Solutions has a motto that I strive to always live by which is, “Never be a victim.”
In life, circumstances can put us into tough situations. Inflation, resource shortages, freight expenses, finding personnel, getting your business online and how does that look, controlling expenses, increasing profits, etc., all of these are situations in which you as the owner will be the decision maker as to how your business will handle them.
It is entirely conceivable that you will not have the answers you need at the time you need them. That is why we have the resources we do. Most of those resources are free or very inexpensive. Most of them you will only use a few times, but some I hope you will use a lot, especially the Small Business Development Center here at WITCC. I have been blessed to work with many clients for nearly a decade now. I have watched their businesses grow as well as their families. I have seen them in good times and bad. I would like that relationship with all of our clients. We are here for you.
Now, I know that most people who start a business are type A personalities. I know, I am one. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t use a sounding board sometimes. Most type As move through life as rugged individuals and I am all for that. At the same time, it is good to be part of a community of like-minded individuals who help each other grow and succeed.
Here in Sioux City and the surrounding area we have a large group of self-employed people who can become your circle of friends who can help each other find solutions to challenges the rest of the world doesn’t even know exist. I would say that those people are your second-best resource after yourself. Reach out and become friends now with people who are owners, so that when the time comes, you can tap into their knowledge base. That has unlimited value.
Finally, I will leave you with this thought. We can see that times are tough and may get tougher. Take the time now to prepare for the future so that you can survive the tough times and learn how to grow during them.
My grandfather started his trucking company in the middle of the Great Depression. He succeeded where others failed because of his determination, having friends who helped him in business, and knowing he wasn’t the only one with answers. His company grew from one truck to 12 and became a regional transportation company during some seriously rough times. If he can do it, you can too.
Wishing you the greatest success,