10 Under 40 Winner

Ivonet Torres De Anda, Residential Realtor with Century 21 ProLink

What are you working on now? 

I am very passionate about our DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) and our Spanish speaking community in Siouxland, and because of this, a group of us founded Siouxland’s first bilingual/Spanish theater program in our metro area, El Proyecto Dramatico del Teatro New Stage Players. It is important to help spread the message of the importance diversity plays in our community, the obstacles and struggles and the achievements many immigrants face when coming to a new country. It’s a very powerful and inspiring program that helps in raising awareness that all cultures are beautiful and not all have had easy paths to be where they are now. I’m also a bilingual residential realtor licensed in Iowa & Nebraska and enjoy educating our community on the benefits of becoming homeowners. I’ve assisted several families with the sale and purchase of a home, many of whom are first-time homebuyers; the feeling of handing them their keys to the place they’ll call home at the end of the process is by far my favorite part of what I do.  

What is your vision for the future?  

We live in a vibrant and diverse community that has several opportunities for growth both personally and professionally. It is because of great leadership and true trailblazers within several organizations that many communities have prospered and grown. My vision is to keep being the change and motivate others to do the same.  

What would you like to see happen in Siouxland?  

I would like to see mentorship programs continue to flourish. The talent is here, we just need to truly take the time to listen and guide individuals, especially our youth, to get to where they want to be. There are many great programs in our local colleges looking for individuals to assist with mentoring on a yearly basis. Churches and organizations also have these types of programs that people may get involved in.  If we want to see the change, we must be the change.

What are you doing to make that happen? 

Our program is currently creating a production about people from Siouxland who will share their stories to help others understand and see that anything is possible even if you are not in your native land. These stories are inspirational and give a voice and shine light to those who in the past have felt like they lived in the shadows and were afraid or intimidated to share their life story as we all have more in common than we think we do. I’m also a proud supporter of the economic development in our area and enjoy connecting people to our local businesses and business leaders that are looking to start a business of their own one day.  

How can people help you make that happen? 

Involvement. There are many great organizations to volunteer your time in and make an impact in Siouxland.  

What quote or saying inspires you? 

“They’ll tell you you’re too loud, that you need to wait your turn, and ask the right people for permission. Do it anyway.” — Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 

Volunteer Organizations: 

-Siouxland Chamber of Commerce-Green Coat Ambassador, Executive Committee, Key Leadership Welcome Dinner Chair
-New Stage Players Performing Arts Center- Marketing Committee
-El Proyecto Dramatico del Teatro New Stage Players (Spanish/ Bilingual Theater)- Co-founder, Sales/ Marketing & Sponsorship Director  
-Unity in Action, Celebrate Siouxland.

The 2023 10 Under 40 was Sponsored by Security National Bank.

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