Title: Founder of Marto Brewing Company
Volunteer: Board of Directors with Downtown Partners
What are you passionate about, and how do you use your voice/talent to make a difference?
I am passionate about creating a fun and unique experience in Siouxland through Marto Brewing Company. Marto has great events, such as Martoberfest, a yearly event that takes place in the fall and brings people to downtown Sioux City. That is one of many things that happen at Marto, along with your everyday experience. Through Marto, we can collaborate with non-profits, sports teams, and other businesses to help spread the word about these great organizations.
What is your vision for the future of Siouxland?
I see Siouxland continuing to grow and adding more quality-of-life events and businesses. We can better retain and recruit young professionals by show-casing what is great about Siouxland. We have a fairly low cost-of-living, fast commute times, low crime, great schools, and many more positive accolades. Continuing to grow the quality-of-life amenities that we have will strengthen that attraction.
What are you doing to make that happen?
Marto brings fun and unique quality-of-life amenities to our area, and I am on the Board of Directors for Downtown Partners. Through this organization, we hold downtown events such as June Jam, Food Truck Fridays, Downtown Tailgate, and many more which help keep downtown Sioux City vibrant and relevant.
How can people help you make that happen?
The biggest thing is to support the things that you love and want to keep for the future. But also, be open to new events and support those events and venues.
What quote inspires you?
“We’re either getting better or we’re getting worse.” – David Goggins
Erik Martin
Title: Founder of Marto Brewing Company
Volunteer: Board of Directors with Downtown Partners
What are you passionate about, and how do you use your voice/talent to make a difference?
I am passionate about creating a fun and unique experience in Siouxland through Marto Brewing Company. Marto has great events, such as Martoberfest, a yearly event that takes place in the fall and brings people to downtown Sioux City. That is one of many things that happen at Marto, along with your everyday experience. Through Marto, we can collaborate with non-profits, sports teams, and other businesses to help spread the word about these great organizations.
What is your vision for the future of Siouxland?
I see Siouxland continuing to grow and adding more quality-of-life events and businesses. We can better retain and recruit young professionals by show-casing what is great about Siouxland. We have a fairly low cost-of-living, fast commute times, low crime, great schools, and many more positive accolades. Continuing to grow the quality-of-life amenities that we have will strengthen that attraction.
What are you doing to make that happen?
Marto brings fun and unique quality-of-life amenities to our area, and I am on the Board of Directors for Downtown Partners. Through this organization, we hold downtown events such as June Jam, Food Truck Fridays, Downtown Tailgate, and many more which help keep downtown Sioux City vibrant and relevant.
How can people help you make that happen?
The biggest thing is to support the things that you love and want to keep for the future. But also, be open to new events and support those events and venues.
What quote inspires you?
“We’re either getting better or we’re getting worse.” – David Goggins