2 Cultivate – 2 Encourage. A Positive Approach 2 Childhood Obesity

Starting off 2024 with a topic near and dear to my heart. Childhood obesity. Throughout my school years, I was overweight. Because of this, I was ridiculed and beaten down emotionally, mentally, and physically. If you cannot relate, I will simply tell you it leaves scars. But, under the scars, I was able to find more in life. I went into education to teach kids healthy decision-making skills that would protect them. As a trainer, 2B Imperium’s whole purpose is to help anyone and everyone to realize what they are capable of deep down. This starts with my primary role as a father. I want to educate and support my children towards a life of fitness and overall health. It’s not enough for us to just stop the bullying. We have to make a conscious decision to stop the reason behind it. 

As a parent, you care about your child’s health. Given the public health focus on childhood obesity, it would be hard not to be concerned if your child is overweight. The question many parents in this position are grappling with is “Should I say something to my child about the weight — or not?”

We hear a lot about the potential health dangers of obesity, particularly in children. It’s well known that higher body weight among youth has been on the rise. But what’s been less prevalent in the messaging about weight is that, in the past two decades, hospitalizations for eating disorders increased more than 100 percent for children younger than 12.

We as adults are role models and the most critical influence in children’s lives. We need to set a good example for our kids. Some of these children are sad and depressed, pretending to be someone they are not to keep from being teased and ridiculed. They may have the desire to change but are not sure how to begin. We can assist them with this by helping them OVERCOME. We must build character and confidence! We can do this by demonstrating healthy behaviors so children have healthy attitudes about eating, being physically active, and developing lifelong healthy habits. It’s never too early or too late to be concerned about creating a healthy, nutritional, and active environment for children. That’s where 2B Imperium can help. I can provide you with tips on how to help manage your and your child’s nutrition, physical activity, and overall well-being. Healthful eating and physical activity needs to be a family activity that you, the parent model, so let us take a look at what things we can do to help kids live a healthy and active lifestyle.

Healthy meals and snacks, daily physical activity, and adequate sleep are primary. To satisfy each of these categories, you may find weekly planning to be beneficial. Plan and prepare your meals ahead of time. Shopping the perimeter of the grocery store will provide opportunities to choose from fresh fruits, meats, and vegetables. You can use those items to prepare snacks and place them in containers for later. When the kids get home from school, they will be hungry and ready to grab ahold of the first thing they can find. Again, prep beforehand so the kids can grab a healthy option. This can be as easy as orange slices, low-fat cheese sticks, hardboiled eggs, apples with natural peanut butter, almonds, or beef jerky. 

Daily physical activity is a must. There are so many activities that the kids can do, both indoors and outdoors. Less screen time and increased physical activity. There are plenty of activities that can be done indoors or outdoors depending on the weather. An idea would be to have two jars, indoor activities and outdoor activities. Make a list of different activities for each, cut those activities up, and place them in the jars. Have the kids pull an activity out and take action. I incorporate a “Daily Fitness Challenge” into their routine which helps them become physically fit. This includes push-ups, sit-ups, squats, up-downs, and wheel barrel races. Include the kids in this process. Their input gives them ownership. They watch you, whether you like it or not. Lead by example.

In summary, dieting is hard but lead by example. My kids need to be kids, but they can still learn good habits and enjoy life. For me, well, sometimes I just need some cookies…

Makes Eight Giant Cookies


2 Scoops Redcon1 Iso PB Protein Powder

6 tbsp Whole Wheat Flour

2 tbsp Truvia Brown Sugar Blend

1/4 Cup Truvia Baking Blend

1/2 tsp Baking Soda

1/8 tsp Salt

1/4 cup Light/Unsalted Butter

1 Whole Egg

1/4 tsp Vanilla Extract 

1 oz Natural Cocoa Dusted Almonds

Mix in a bowl with softened butter. Preheat to 350. Cook 12-15 minutes. Let cool. 


116 Calories

6g Fat

15.5 Carbs

9g Protein

For more information on specific training and nutrition, contact Cody. He is certified by the National Academy of Medicine as a Professional Fitness Instructor in Cardiorespiratory Fitness, Heart Variance, Nutrition, Neuromuscular Flexibility, Supplements, and Mental/Behavior Performance. He incorporates techniques for concentration, focus, motivation, and ways to cope with anxiety. He has been featured in National Fitness Magazines and has spoken on several national Podcasts. Cody received his Master’s in Instruction, so has first-hand experience with differentiating personalized instruction, planning, and goal setting. He was named 2022 and 2023 Siouxland Trainer of the Year Award and nominated for 2024 Siouxland’s Choice Best Weight Loss Center. Cody trains out of the Four Seasons in Sioux City and North Sioux City.

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