Ask the Kids – Mayor’s Youth Commission

Lawren V.

Age: 17


What are you most confident about?

I am most confident in my ability to adapt to new situations.

What do you do when you are struggling? Or who do you turn to?

When I am struggling it is usually because I am overwhelmed with school, and I tend to turn to my dad. He somehow always knows what to say and helps me focus on one thing at a time.


What are the top three qualities you look for in a friend?

The top three qualities I look for in a friend are humor, loyalty, and kindness.

What do you enjoy most about coming to the Mayor’s Youth Commission?

The thing I enjoy most about being in Mayor’s Youth Commission is the community the group offers and how all the kids involved are committed to making a difference.


What is a goal you have in life?

The main goal I have in life is to be my family’s main source of income.

What is one piece of advice you would give an adult? 

I would remind them to remember that their childhood was much different than ours and some teens are under a lot of pressure.

Name: Camdyn M.

Age: 16


What are you most confident about? 

I am most confident about my intelligence.

What do you do when you are struggling? Or who do you turn to? 

When I am struggling, I try to work through things. 


Have you ever felt too scared to be yourself? 

Yes I have, I have felt scared to be myself, plenty of times, with lots of different people. It is natural to be scared to be yourself, I wish it wasn’t natural, but it is. 

What are some things you would change about school? 

I would try and make it a more bully free zone.

Have you been a bystander of someone else being bullied? Did you engage? Want to engage? Why/why not? 

Yes I have been a bystander. I chose to engage and tell the bully to stop. I engaged because I have also been bullied. 


What are the top three qualities you look for in a friend? 

Loyal, kind, and well-meaning. 

Who is someone you look up to and why? 

I look up to Jesus. He is the perfect example for humans to follow.

What do you enjoy most about coming to the Mayor’s Youth Commission/Young Ambassadors?

 I enjoy the friendships I have made and developed from Mayor’s Youth Commission.


What is a goal you have in life? 

I would like to be in a political office. 

How do you (or can you) make a difference at school, home, or your community? 

I can make a difference by being active in things going on in my community. 

What is one piece of advice you would give an adult? 

Look ahead to the future, don’t be afraid to protect and defend the future from those wanting to make the world a worse place for the future. 

Name: Elizabeth J.

Age: 17


What are you most confident about?

I am most confident about the people around me. I know my friends and family will be there for me when I need it most. 

What do you do when you are struggling? Or who do you turn to?

When I am struggling with something, I always go and talk to someone who could relate or support me. I most often turn to my mom and dad. Sometimes it’s nice to talk to someone closer to my age like my sister and friends as well.


Have you ever felt too scared to be yourself?

I do not think I ever actually felt scared to be myself. Sometimes I reflect on my actions and decide whether I was being too crazy or not. 

What are some things you would change about school?

I think I would change the amount of work. If we could limit busy work and only focus on the important work, then that extra time could be spent reflecting and clearing our conscience. People need to take care of their mental and physical health.

Have you been a bystander of someone else being bullied? Did you engage? Want to engage? Why/why not? 

I have been a bystander of someone getting bullied. I did really want to engage and almost did, but I was very hesitant. I think I was nervous how everyone would react; I did not know if they were going to bully me. Looking back, I wished I would have stood up for the person being bullied because they do not deserve that kind of hate.


What are the top three qualities you look for in a friend?

I look for someone who is honest. Someone who wants to see me. I also look for someone who is willing to be open and understanding.

Who is someone you look up to and why?

I look up to my mother and father. They are here for me when I need them and offer any advice they may have. They also take interest in what I am doing.

What do you enjoy most about coming to the Mayor’s Youth Commission/Young Ambassadors?

What I enjoy most about Mayor’s Youth Commission is the volunteer opportunities. I get to go out of my comfort zone and experience new things. I sometimes volunteer at places that I would have otherwise not volunteered at if I was not in Mayor’s Youth Commission.


What is a goal you have in life?

My goal in life is to show my art to the world! I want to create art that makes people happy; I want them to have a good laugh when they see my art. I also want to support others and our world to keep it as clean and friendly as possible. I want my life to be fun and I want to experience new things.

How do you (or can you) make a difference at school, home, or your community?

I make a difference at my school by volunteering at our food pantry. I also used to work on the recycling for our school as well. I help lead the cross-country team at my school to become the best team we can be! When I am at home, I make sure to recycle anything I can. I help neighbors and hear what others have to say. I help in my community by leaving the area I have been in cleaner than what it originally looked like.

What is one piece of advice you would give an adult? 

One piece of advice I would give to an adult would be to find the best in everything. Always give time for yourself because you are important.

Name: Kamryn B.

Age: 13


What are you most confident about? 

My schoolwork.

What do you do when you are struggling? Or who do you turn to? 

I turn to my teachers, my counselor, and my friends.


Have you ever felt too scared to be yourself? 


What are some things you would change about school? 

I wish I had all my classes with my friends.

Have you been a bystander of someone else being bullied? Did you engage? Want to engage? Why/why not? 

Yes, people have said some bad things about my friends, and I would let that friend know but I would also tell that person to not say something like that because it’s not right to treat people that way. Everyone is struggling with something.


What are the top three qualities you look for in a friend? 

Nice, funny, and helps anyone when in need.

Who is someone you look up to and why? 

Anyone that teaches me anything really because they teach me how to be better.

What do you enjoy most about coming to the Mayor’s Youth Commission/Young Ambassadors?

I like that we get to do fun things and get to help out around Siouxland.


What is a goal you have in life? 

As a recent goal, I would like to make the student council in 9th grade.

How do you (or can you) make a difference at school, home, or your community? 

By helping out where needed and treating everyone with kindness.

What is one piece of advice you would give an adult? 

If there’s one piece of advice I can give you or anyone it’s this- if there is something in life you really want, fight for it, don’t give up no matter how hopeless it seems. 

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