Do you have a little voice that prompts you to think deeper? What does it say? Am I the only one who has a voice full of questions? Where do the questions come from? Do we all have them? Have we trained ourselves to tune them out?
Why don’t we ask the questions of our youth? Why? How? What does that mean? Why Not? When did we stop asking those questions? WHY did we stop asking them?
What will it take to renew our sense of questioning? Is it as simple as committing to one question every day? Is one question enough? What if we developed the habit of questioning every hour?
Would our interactions with others change if we asked more questions? Would it create tension? Or would it create authentic conversation? Would we understand each other more? Would we be less polarized in our worldviews? Would we tolerate more? Would we tolerate less? Can we be “Midwest Nice” and still ask questions? Is a question a disagreement? Why?
How would our interactions with others change if THEY asked more questions? Would we be caught off guard? Would we be offended? Would we feel threatened? Why?
What if we saw questions as opportunities rather than offenses? As exploration rather than indictment? What if we embraced questions with honest curiosity?
Is the value of a question in the answer or in the asking?
Seek knowledge, seek understanding – ask more questions.
By: Cyndi Hanson