Every year is about up-leveling, striving to give more, and at the same time, encouraging more interaction from the community. It is all about synergy, and it’s about what we can accomplish together.
Through the magazine, I hope to ignite conversation, inspire action, and fuel collaboration.
This publication gives you advice on wellness and tools for your personal development. Then it takes you into the community and plugs you into the integral parts of Siouxland. We are strengthening the community, starting with a conversation.
This year, Siouxland Magazine hosted John Maxwell’s Live2Lead event, bringing world-class leaders to you. As your John Maxwell Certified Leader since 2014, I am committed to bringing John’s resources forward for your growth.
At the beginning of the year, we held open meetings to discuss the challenges our children and families face. After several months of discussion, we distilled down key information and shared that information in two free events – Empowering Our Youth. We even served free pizza! If you missed it, don’t worry. We got you covered in the following pages.
Let’s all give our best to one another as we close this year out. And remember, to stay engaged.
My best, Stacie