How are you doing with the intentions you set for this new year? Without judgement, begin to ponder that as we break down how we can continue to make wise, healthy decisions.
There will be days when you feel unmotivated, lazy, angry, sad, etc. But, if you are consistent with yourself choosing to follow through on the things you say you will you’ll 80% of the time feel better that you accomplished something versus not. If your goal this year was to eat more vegetables, for instance, have you prepared your meals to include more vegetables? How about finding time to prep your meals, include the family while coming up with a menu for your week!
Get yourself inspired to begin this next month with a few more tips to keep the goals moving in the right direction.
- Reflect and redirect: Reflect on what it is you are desiring for 2020, how is it going so far? Are there new steps you can take to open the path and give your mind and body the preparation needed to get going? Think about your goal and begin to work backwards from there in order to really achieve those goals.
- Action: This requires your full commitment, because when we commit to something it tells our bodies there is no other way, we simply must do. So configuring those steps and putting one foot in front of the other. Community with action will really get the ball rolling – find an accountability partner, let them know your plans and tell them to keep you accountable for what you say you will do.
- Revise: Every week or every other week return to your steps, make adjustments based on what works and what doesn’t. If your plan is to eat more meals together as a family take note of when everyone is home and when you are in a pinch have meals ready for the nights that are hectic.
Don’t miss the opportunity to become your best self this year, look at your life and see how you can make small improvements for you and this world. It can be little things like reducing your waste, buying more fresh foods, eating more meals at home, trying one new food every week. Have fun with it and try making this delicious recipe ASAP!
Vegetable Stir Fry
- 1 cup quinoa
- 1/1 cup veggie broth/water
- 1 onionÂ
- 3 garlic clovesÂ
- 2 medium carrots (I used colorful carrots)
- 1/4 head of broccoli, chopped
- 1 cup frozen peas
In one pot bring 2 cups of veggie broth/water to boil. Add quinoa. Cook 10 min covered on medium heat. Remove from heat and keep covered for another 10-15 minutes.
On low-medium heat add 4 tbsp veggie broth to the pan and add roughly chopped onion, garlic, carrots, broccoli and sauté for 5 minutes. Then, add green peas and stir for another 2-3 minutes.
For sesame sauce:
- 1/3c coconut aminos
- 2tsp ACV
- 2tbsp EVOO
- .5tbsp Sesame Oil
- 4 small dates (or 3 large)
Place water in a mug, microwave for 2 minutes so water is hot, add dates. Soak dates in very hot water for 5 minutes. Remove dates and combine with all remaining ingredients in a blender or food processor. Process until dates are finely ground and dressing is a creamy texture.
By: Hali Benson is a Certified Holistic Nutrition and Wellness Practitioner working with Evolve Yoga and Wellness Center helping clients heal through nutrition, yoga and spirituality. You can find her under the name Blossom Services at