I am happy to report I will be working at least 62 baseball games this summer. In my role as a broadcaster for high school baseball and as a public address announcer for a minor league baseball team, watching the great American pastime is a terrific lesson on how to perform at a high level at work and in life.
- Always hustle to first base.
- Live in the moment – one at bat at a time – let go of the past failure.
- Keep an eye on the competition, but put in the reps necessary to be best prepared.
- There will be players who showboat and bat flip when they homer. Their runs count just as much as the sluggers who expect positive outcomes and do it without the flash.
- Learn new pitches. Adjust your pace and location. Adding new skill sets will make you better at your job.
- The best teams count on each other to cover the base in critical times.
- Focus on what you can control: your actions, your attitude, and your preparation.
- A tremendous coach is an advocate for the team.
- Learn from teammates with more experience.
- Listen to the hitting coach, but find your authentic swing.
- When choosing the soundtrack of your life, make sure you pick a banger of a walk-up song and enjoy the journey.
Play ball!
Tony “Michaels” Michalski is a full-time caregiver, creator of the Bald and Witty website and podcast, and the What the Father podcast. You can find him on X at @Baldandwitty.